Milling Equipment for the Cement Industry

Bradley’s material processing equipment is used to pre-grind raw materials such as cement clinker for use in “ordinary Portland cement” manufacturing.  But there are several varieties of specialized cement that differ from the GU – General Use Portland Cement.  These Special Cements incorporate various additives to produce characteristics such as higher strength, self-leveling qualities, and more.

Bradley milling and classification equipment is commonly used to manufacture many of the additives used in the production of specialized cements.  In particular, waste from other industrial processes such as steel mill slag and fly ash can be efficiently ground to powder for incorporation as pozzolans to increase the strength of cement.

Environmental Benefits – In countries where fly ash reserves are limited, the specifications for cement have been adjusted to include 10-15% limestone as a filler which has led to changes in BS7979 and CEM1 specifications.


Application: Cement Industry cement
Material Application Outcomes Bradley Equipment
Cement raw materials Usually need to dry in mill 80-85% passing 75 micron Airswept Mill
Pre-grinding cement raw materials For feed to ball or rod mill to raise output of existing plants 50% passing 75 micron Screen Mill
Finish grinding of cement clinker Ordinary Portland cement (O.P.C.)

Rapid hardening cement (R.H.C.)

80-85% passing 75 micron

90-95% passing 75 micron

Airswept Mill
Pre-grinding of cement clinker For feed to ball or rod mill to raise output of existing plants 40-50% passing 74micron Screen Mill
Coal For process heating 85% passing 75 micron Airswept Mill
Fly Ash Pozzolans 70-95% passing 45 micron Airswept Mill

Materials Processing Testing and Product Development Services

Looking for an opportunity to prove your concept?

Do you want to calculate your actual cut rate and recovery rates versus relying on theoretical calculations?

Need to confirm that an airswept mill system is the right fit for your application?

We welcome the opportunity to apply our 100+ years of experience to test your materials with you at our in-house materials testing facility.  Both laboratory and pilot scale testing is available.