Milling Equipment for Specialized Materials

For over 135 years, we’ve engineered milling systems designed to process a wide variety of materials that we refer to as “Specialized Materials.” The common factor across all materials processed in a Bradley Mill is their friability – and yes, this even includes Printed Circuit Boards! While not every friable material is suited for our mills, we encourage inquiries no matter how unique the material may seem. In fact, we’ve had numerous customers bring us materials they were told couldn’t be milled to the required specifications, only to find that we have significant experience with their “unique” application.

When designing a milling system for a specific material, we draw from our extensive library of resources, combining historical data with our technical expertise to create a solution that meets the customer’s precise requirements. For less common materials, like Olivine, we may have fewer references compared to widely used materials like limestone. Some of our more unique applications include milling Kainite, Cryolite, Printed Circuit Boards, Olivine, Garnet, Shale, and even Zirconia sand.

In addition to leveraging our past knowledge, we recommend material testing at our US or UK facilities. This testing helps us evaluate the material’s grindability, its impact on machine wear, and other physical characteristics. With this data, we can design a milling system that ensures smooth processing, from feed intake to storage.

Environmental Benefits – Many of the new projects presented to us are focused on recycling and beneficial re-use of materials that were previously considered "waste".
Specialized Materials mining
Material Application Outcomes Bradley Equipment
Gypsum For wallboard, etc. 95% through 150 micron Airswept Mill
Anhydrite For chemical industry 80% through 150 micron Airswept Mill
Activated Carbon For chemical industry 60-95% passing 75 micron Airswept Mill
Sulphur For pesticides and fungicides 99% passing 45 micron Airswept Mill
Talc For commerce and industry 99% passing 45 micron Airswept Mill
Fluorspar For chemical industry Finesness varies Airswept Mill
Gold Ore Aid in recovery of fine metals and minerals Fineness varies Screen Mill
Diamond Ore Aid in recovery of fine metals and minerals Fineness varies Screen Mill
Copper Ore Aid in recovery of fine metals and minerals Fineness varies Screen Mill
Zinc Ore Aid in recovery of fine metals and minerals Fineness varies Screen Mill
Chrome Ore For use in metal processing Fineness varies Screen Mill
Manganese Ore For use in metal processing Fineness varies Screen Mill
Coal For pulverized fuel 80-85% passing 75 micron Airswept Mill
Limestone or Shale

For coal mines dust production

Stone can be water-proofed by adding chemicals to the Mill

70% passing 63 micron Airswept Mill

Materials Processing Testing and Product Development Services

Looking for an opportunity to prove your concept?

Do you want to calculate your actual cut rate and recovery rates versus relying on theoretical calculations?

Need to confirm that an airswept mill system is the right fit for your application?

We welcome the opportunity to apply our 100+ years of experience to test your materials with you at our in-house materials testing facility.  Both laboratory and pilot scale testing is available.