Advanced Classification Technology Ideal for Fine Grinding Powder Applications

The Bradley Vertical Blade Classifier (VBC) is designed to separate extremely fine powders direct from any airswept mill. Dynamic classifiers such as the VBC, provide wide flexibility of operation by allowing for instant adjustment of particle separation ranges.
How It Works
This dynamic classifying technology utilizes vertical oriented blades and a separator rotor to create a vortex, spinning the passing air and throwing coarse particles out to the sides of the mill, where they fall back into the grinding zone. Desired fine particles are carried out through the separator rotor, and up to the cyclone or bag filter collector.
The product size is controlled by changing the rotor speed. This is done by an inverter drive and can be adjusted with the mill online. This type of separator allows maximum efficiency and stable product size.
Performance Features
While the VBC Classifier was developed for use in Bradley’s own mill circuits, it is readily adaptable to any air-swept system. It has been successfully incorporated into many other pendulum mills, ball mills, table and roller mills, and air classifier systems. The VBC’s simple, rugged design ensures:
- Particle top size cuts of up to 250 microns
- Clean cuts with no air purge or complex labyrinths
- Size control simply by adjusting rotor speed
- No internal vanes or dampers
- Simple maintenance – blade change on-site with no re-balancing
- Efficient stripping of fines, to maximize performance
- Reliable and consistent operation
- Belt drive allows selection of motor speed to closely match actual operating conditions

Options include:
- Wear-resistant linings to handle abrasive dust like fly ash and cement
- Fabricated in stainless steel to classify metal powders and foodstuffs
- Inert purge for fire and explosion prevention
- Low velocity units for flyash applications

Replaceable vertical blades are made from laser cut wear resistant alloy steel and can be replaced in-situ. Blades are supplied in matched sets to avoid re-balancing problems. The rotor can be easily removed for maintenance.
Bearing Cartridge
Lubrication lines drilled into the housing walls allow direct greasing of the bearings.
Bradley provides technical support, with full spares and service back-up to ensure continuous high performance. The VBC Classifier technology is also utilized in the Bradley Windsifter, a stand-alone air classifier designed to separate coarse and fine particles simultaneously.
Bradley VBC Classifiers are a versatile technology and have been used in various industries with fine grinding applications. Bradley VBC Classifiers are running successfully in many countries around the world.
- Oil industry
- Fertilizer industry
- Mining industries
- Power Generation
- Paint manufacture
- Cement industry
- Marble quarrying and processing
- Glass and ceramics
Contact Us to learn more about reliable air classification with efficient and economic operation